Looking for new hardware?

Installing Linux on tech you already own is free and can keep hardware running faster, for years to come. But if you’re in the market for a new PC or laptop, there is a selection of vendors to choose from with Linux pre-installed!

(We have heard good things, but haven’t tested these laptops ourselves, and encourage checking out reviews for yourself before trying out any new hardware)

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TUXEDO Computers creates ready-to-go custom Linux Tuxedo OS  laptops with tailored options for business, gaming, AI, and more.

SLIMBOOK also creates Linux laptops, servers, and more in support of opensource technology. 

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Lenovo offers hundreds of models with Linux pre-installed, ranging from budget to office-ready, and even those fit for gaming and video editing.

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DELL provides a variety of Linux laptops and PC Desktops with Ubuntu, a go-to distribution for Linux newcomers preinstalled.

HP released the Dev One, a Linux pre-installed laptop in 2022. Models have since sold out, but check out their partner, System_76 for more options!

Have a favorite Linux installation tutorial we’ve yet to post?